Saturday, June 6, 2009


Went to the zoo yesterday and walked all over. We got to see the New African Safari part open. We rode the sky safari, saw pelicans, zebras, leopards, lions, wildebeests, giraffes, etc... Blessing also got to pound on some drums, which I'm sure they exported directly from Africa ;-). Her favorite was the zebras!
Today we went to Rachel's wedding. It was beautiful. Now Pastor Terry & Karen have all their kids married off and are anxiously awaiting more grandchildren, hehehehe.
The pix are from the zoo and after the wedding.

I start ChaLEAN EXTREME on Monday with Mirdza and a few online friends. I just hope I can keep up. Still trying to eat clean...

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Monday Again...

It's Monday again..... not much of an exciting day here. Blessing played with her new heart necklace from Shelly and I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party.... Blessing isn't feeling well today and has a slight fever. Hopefully she is better by tomorrow so we can go to Bible Study tomorrow and she can play with her friends.....
Are you keeping up with your workouts? Don't forget to log them into WOWY... the online supergym!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Week Pix Part 3

Valentine's Week Overview

WOW! What a week! In between everything else, Blessing and I conquered several extra projects this week!
Monday - We baked 48 cookies/48 cupcakes and iced them with a Valentine theme. Blessing LOVES frosting, so she really enjoyed it - as you can see in the pictures I posted. These are to give to those who need a special touch of love over Valentine's Day!
We also started making special Valentine cards. Blessing did most of the artwork and had great fun with her new glitter pens!!!
Tuesday was a great day, too. We had Bible Study - Blessing got to play with her friends, and I got to make Valentine's and fellowship with the girls. We also made some special Valentine deliveries...
On Wednesday, Blessing and I ran errands in the morning and then it was nice and warm, so Blessing played outside for awhile, while I got lunch ready! God, could you please bring the warm weather really soon, please???
Thursday was a very busy day as we made most of our deliveries today! It was fun as God used us to be able to bless others. He is soooooo GOOD!!!
Friday, Blessing and I got to spend extra time with Daddy (Andy) :-)!!!! He took off the afternoon, so while Blessing took her nap, we cuddled. Then I made a Valentine cake for our MOPS fundraiser and dropped it off at CWC when Blessing got up from her nap. We went to IWU and worked out and played. Blessing loves it there and is not happy when we have to leave. She especially likes playing on the stairs and with the balls in the racquetball court! Then we ran some errands and went to East of Chicago Pizza for supper. I ate the toppings off the pizza since I can't have wheat and it was yummy!!!
Saturday we just spent a lazy day as a family together. Again, we went to IWU and Andy played with Blessing, while I got a good workout in. Then out to eat (coupon) and back home for bathtime!

Valentine Week Pix Part 2

Valentine Week Pix Part 1

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This week....

This has been a week of new discoveries.... Still keeping up on my workouts.
Today, Blessing discovered watercolors. She thought it was great fun to paint (both with the colors and the water). She also thought it fun to drink the paint colored water! LOL!!!
While I was working out on Tuesday, she brought me a weight. I looked down and she was holding an 8 lb weight up to me. My child is buff!!!!!! That's 1/3 of her weight!!!!
On Wednesday, we played Candyland! She beat me, of course. She was more excited about picking out the colored cards, counting, them and saying the colors.
On Friday, Andy and I met some dear friends in Decatur at the Back 40 Junction for Dinner. It was wonderful! Very expensive, but good to eat. I think we'll have to make lots more money or only go there like once a year! It took half our eating out budget for the month to eat there!
We had a great time catching up with Paul and Amy since we actually got to talk (usually we're just chasing kids and catching our breath)!
Today, we helped Andy's dad cut up tons of wood. We worked hard for a little over 2 hours and got it all done! I have lots of experience throwing and stacking wood, since I grew up doing it (thanks, Dad :-).
I've posted a few pix of our week. We've got a fun-filled week planned for next week, too, since it is Valentine's Week. (Yes, we celebrate our holidays in weeks, instead of days!!!! :-)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This weekend has gone differently than planned! Blessing is sick and Andy isn't feeling the best either. So yesterday, we just stayed home out of the cold. We had to start breathing treatments for Blessing - I hate how they make her shaky and stuff, but I guess they are better than her struggling to breathe all the time.
Today, I stayed home with Blessing while Andy went and taught Sunday School. This afternoon while Andy stayed home, I went and worked out at IWU and then caught up on some grocery shopping at Walmart.
Not much else to report, except that tomorrow starts a new week! I hope you have a blessed week! The following is a devotional I got off of the message boards from Beachbody.....

If I know that God knows all my tomorrows, today, then I should ask him for advice. He knows what’s going to happen: “Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (Jeremiah 33:3 MSG).

The things you don’t know, God can tell you about. He’s not going to lay out your whole life all at once, telling you everything that will happen in your life. If he did, you’d likely get very discouraged or prideful or both. Instead, he gives it to you a little bit at a time.

It’s like this, when you’re driving up a mountain on a curving road and you’re caught behind a slow car, you may think, “If I could just see around the curve, I’d go ahead and pass this guy.” If there were a helicopter above, the pilot could let you know if there was another car around the curve. From his perspective, he could help you out.

The same is true with God: from his perspective, he knows everything that’s going to happen, so you can ask him for advice.

Here’s what I’d suggest, when you get up in the morning, go over your schedule with the Lord. Pray, “Father, you’ve already seen this day that I’m about to experience. You know ahead of time every interruption I’m going to face, every cranky person in the office, every flat tire, every traffic jam, every missed plane, when I’m going to spill the coffee on my suit. You’ve already seen it all. Would you, right now, give me the strength to cope through this day, the strength that I need for today.”

Friday, January 30, 2009

Feelin' Good

Yeah! What a great day! Got up early to do my P90X Chest & Back workout and then went into Ab Ripper X! I am feeling my martial arts workout from yesterday! Those blocks I did are making muscles sore that I didn't remember I had. I'll have to brush up on my Anatomy & Physiology! It feels good, though, to know that I am getting stronger and leaner!
This afternoon, I TurboJammed it with Charlene, the lean machine..... Needless to say, I was totally ready for my full body massage this evening.
To top the evening off, Andy and I watched Fireproof for the first time. We haven't watched a movie together for months. Basically, there is nothing really good out there anymore, so why bother? But this was a GREAT movie and yes, I cried. My advice to you? Workout hard, play hard, but most of all serve Jesus and pray HARD!!! That is where you'll see the REAL power! I've got to start doing more of that myself!

Here's to trying to stay away from sugar this week!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jab, Punch, Kick, Uppercut!!!!!!!

Today's workout was Kenpo X. It's a martial arts workout and was very intense and also FUN! I was totally dripping sweat when I got done. I would highly recommend it, although you need to pace yourself so you have some "umph" at the end!! :-)

I am posting a pic of Blessing. She is apparently trying to teach herself gymnastics on my Treadmill. It should be very interesting if she decides to do gymnastics while I am on the treadmill at the same time!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pump it UP!!

Today was a good day! Started out with relaxation, prayer time, and then Yoga. Then breakfast, off to town to run errands, and then MOMS Bible Study. Then it was home to fix lunch and put the kiddo down for a nap. I worked on business training for awhile. Then UPS came and brought my Beachbody & Showcase kit!!! Yeah! I did Turbo Jam: Cardio Party. Whew! Charlene gives you a great workout!!! I'm excited to see how fast I will get results.

Need a chocolate fix? How about some raw cacao and raw agave nectar? Super antioxidant power with a sweet punch. For dessert, grab a banana, slather a thin layer of this on the banana and you'll be loving the chocolate flavor without all the extra additives. Remember that this is a treat only for special occasions and not "every meal" kind of thing!
(This is from Wilderness Family Naturals (

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dress Shopping

Today I got up early, ON A SATURDAY, to do my Yoga!!! Then it was off to the Prayer Breakfast at church. After that, I went shopping with some friends for a wedding dress for Lori. I think she only tried on like 12 dresses, but it took all day. It was fun, though.

Skinny Pizza: Instead of using thick crusts, use a wheat or rice tortilla and put your pizza toppings on that. Saves on carbs and calories!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Bbbrrrrr! It's cold outside. Woke up this morning and it was -26 out! Glad I didn't have to go outside. I was actually quite warm inside, especially after I finished my Pilates workout. I worked up a sweat. I'm eating really clean today and looking forward to the weekend. This afternoon, I will walk on the treadmill for awhile while I watch Rachael Ray.
I hope you all have a GREAT weekend! Don't forget to workout hard and relax hard on your rest day!

Fitness Tip: If you have a hard time doing lunges, I have an alternative. Lunges are an AWESOME exercise, but sometimes because I knee strain or other problems, one might not be able to do them. The work out your hamstrings, lay on the floor with you legs up on the couch or a chair so they are at approx. 90 Degrees. then press down on the furniture with your legs and lift your butt off the floor. Do this for 12-15 reps, 2-3x during your workout to substitute for lunges. You may also hold weight on you tummy to intensify the movement! Burn, burn, burn!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Healthy Banana Split???

Today I did Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred". Great workout! I can't wait to get my new DVD's from Beachbody, though, and start on 'em. I really feel lots better already! I was sore and didn't want to work out this morning, but I did. I know you have days like those, too. Choose to move and you won't have regrets! It's mostly in the mind. If you decide to do something, choose to stick to it and you won't have to worry about if you should or shouldn't work out one day (unless you are sick, of course).

Wanting a sweet treat? I came up with this one when I was thinking of something both healthy and delicious. In the mood for a sweet treat? How about a Banana Split??!?!?!?!?
Take a half banana and several strawberries and slice them up (use an egg slicer for the strawberries - it's quicker). Then take a Sugar Free (Xylitol sweet
ened) Chocolate Pudding cup and spread half of it over the fruit. You can also throw in some pineapple to make it complete!

Cooking tip: Use an egg slicer not only to slice eggs and strawberries, but mushrooms, kiwi, and other fruits and veggies. This is a big time saver and it's fun, too.

Here's a picture of Blessing playing in the sn
ow yesterday!